She has to think for a minute, whether to tell me or not. Then she does. “You’re in it.”“In what?”“In my tracking journal. You’re an entry.”Oh, great. She was stalking me.Victor is a pretty regular sixteen year old, just trying to live “under the radar.” He doesn’t even really consider writing, until one day, biking past this

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The moment felt classic. Recognizable. He could almost walk away from this trap. It had to be a trap. Did Pandora feel like this when she accepted the fateful box?Don Giovanni has everything made for him. He’s rich (at least he thinks he is), he has friends (or at least he thinks he does), people

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When Saffron was eight, and had at last learned to read, she hunted slowly through the color chart pinned up on the kitchen wall. So begins the book Saffy’s Angel by Hilary McKay. Saffron ‘Saffy’ is the second-oldest child in the Casson family, a hilarious family of painters. They live in a house named The Banana House in England.

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I pulled my crumpled schedule out of a pocket and thrust it at her. A little forcefully, probably. I didn’t like being mistrusted.She scrutinized it with a sort of suspicious admiration, like a well-executed forgery. “I’m going to have to talk to Dr. Spicer,” she said. “You’re not supposed to be here. I don’t want

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Now you see that he’s carrying a hammer. He takes a nail out of his pocket and hammers it into the window frame. He takes another nail out of his pocket and hammers it in above the first nail. More nails. More hammering. You don’t get it. Then you do.He’s nailing the window shut. He’s

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I’m sort of a corny TV and movie addict in general. I am a dork.Self professed “dork” (not really) Carli is an actress. She’s been assigned a role as a “Sheila Smith” in a new TV show, about girls who live in a boarding school. But Carli doesn’t know what boarding school is like. Why

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