Book Spotlight: Covered From Above – A Shield From Injury or Death by Anthony M. Davis The True Story of a Life that Started Poorly Before his first two-years of life, there were three attempts to kill him. Growing up in an uncertain and violent environment, living in a state of fear became easy. As

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‘I don’t want two wishy-washy godmothers,’ Jeannie had said that afternoon in the country hospital when Eliza was only a day old. ‘No dolls. No pink dresses. Just lots of adventures. Lots of spoiling. The pair of you like two mighty warriors protecting her at every step.’ Eliza Miller grew up in Australia as the

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The Hobbit is a whimsical fantasy tale about the soon-to-be adventures of a hobbit by the name of Bilbo Baggins. He’s lead a quiet life so far, and likes to stay in his home, his lovely hobbit hole. He likes to keep it that way. All that changes when the great wizard Gandalf comes to

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Witch & Wizard is a story surrounding a brother and sister by the name of Whit and Wisty. The story starts -after the prologue- as Whit and Wisty are woken in the middle of the night, with troops of the “New Order” (N.O.) surrounding their house, trying to capture them. As far as Whit and

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“How much?”“A grand.” He looked at me, his eyes full of skepticism. I pulled out a wad of cash and handed it to him.“You mind if I count it?”“Go ahead.”Jim’s life was completely changed with the hurricane that went through Florida. In one blow, he lost his sister and his mother. And he could have

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It was the way it moved under the blankets, the way it shifted around. It seemed to have, I don’t know, joints or something. I mean, furniture can have joints, like a lawn chair or whatever, but that was no frickin’ lawn chair.”Mixer, Tommy, Bones, and Micheal (yes, it’s spelled incorrectly. Blame his parents) are

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